Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Oh Tuesday... Oh Tuesday..

Today my sister was yet again called in to sub.... so I am the babysitter once again... and I LOVE IT!!!!!!! i love when my sister has to work cause I get the girls all to my self!! Also i am cooking dinner tonight!! YUM. I will post pictures of my success or of my failure.

Me and my brother are having a Harry Potter Marathon this week. We have watched the first and the second Harry Potters. And watching them again I realized I dont like the second cause of all the spiders! I have never been one to be afraid of spiders but in that movie they are HUGE!!! Im glad I wasn't Ron or Harry.

I signed up for EFY for the YSA today. Its in KY. Were i went to EFY one year. I think it will be way fun!! EFYSA

well I got to go,
Cassie! :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Its monday! :)

its been FOREVER!!!! and i am sorry about that. I have been very busy with finals, moving home, working at the coffee shop, babysitting the girls, cleaning up after the girls, playing with the girls, taking the girls on walks/ bike rides. Cant you tell my life revolves around them??

they LOVE my laptop and pressing the keys. They are walking everywhere and getting into EVERYTHING!!! I love them!!

But anyways two of my very greatest friends are getting married this summer and I wanted to congratulate them! I love you Aly and Meghan!! :)

By the way I will not be getting married anytime soon.

But I love being home but I miss my friends and family in Utah!!

I am still trying to find a second job. But in the mean time I am going to take on some projects around the house. First.....

But I am going to make the pock-a-dots pink and brown to match the girls room. My sister has said she will help me as much as she can. i am way excited to make this for the girls!! :)

I really want to make this for the girls. Of course I will paint and it wont look exactly like this picture, but hopefully close. And put my design skills on it. :) I really want to do this and my dad said he would help me. But because of my dads back I will be doing most of the building but he will help me get supplies and cut the wood. My sister thinks that the girls are too young for this kind of thing but I dont and Im building it. So she dosent get a say in it. This way when the girls go outside (witch they LOVE) they can go in there playhouse and not play on the grass. :)

Well I got to go and set the table for dinner.

Love, Cassie