Q. If you could trade places with someone who would it be and why?
Me:Taylor Swift because I love her voice, she is famous, love her hair!, and she is a writer. (which I wish I was one)
Dana: Cassie stole my answer but I would want to trade places with Taylor Swift. I look up to her so much, I love that she writes her own music and even though she isn't the best singer she loves what she does. I wish I could write Half as good as she does :)
Q. Who is your role model?
Me: My Mommy!! She is the great cook and even a better mom. I love you mom and miss you!
Dana: My mom and sisters. I love my family and because I'm the youngest in my family I have a great chance to spend time with my siblings and their own families. I get to watch my sisters be moms and learn from them. I look up to my mom and sisters so much, they are great examples to me.
Q: If you could have one last meal, what would it be?
Me: Salmon and curly fries. YUM!!!!!! I have this meal every year for my birthday and i just realized that i wont be home for my birthday this year!! Mom can you send it to me!?!?!
Dana: Easy! Chicken, creamed corn and my mommy's mashed potatoes!
Q:Tuesday or Thursdays?
Me: Tuesdays!! for sure.
Dana: Thursdays. that mean its almost Friday
Q: black or white?
Me. im going to have to say white, it reminds me of the temple
Dana: White. It reminds me of purity and also like a clean slate read to be painted into a masterpiece
Q: East coast or west coast?
Me. East coast baby!!
Dana: West!
Q: desert first or last?
Me. first, then u enjoy it!!
Dana: First. Because before you eat your stomach is empty s the desert is Five times as yummy then after you eat your meal.
Q: How do I like my potatoes?
Me: I like it every way and any way I could get them.
Dana: Same. Potatoes are soooo good. but I love them mashed!
Q: Favorite Scripture?
Me. James 1:5
Dana: I love them all. This semester especially I have been reading out of the Book of Mormon and I feel like I'm getting so much out of it this time around. My favorite one is John 14:18 "I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you"
Q: Traits of my future husband?
Me: man of prayer, honors his priesthood, can and will take me to the temple, read scriptures taller then me, a return missionary, member of The Church of Jesus Christ, has a good profile (i don't mean facebook), in college/graduated college, smarter then me (for sure),and loves me!
Dana: RM, Funny, priesthood holder, Tall, loves to pray and read the scriptures daily, good taste in music, will watch Disney movies with me and let me sing along to them without making fun of me, the same thing for when I'm in the car, and likes the fact that I'm Canadian...that's all I can't think of right now OH and he will take me to David Archuleta concerts (if you anyone with these traits let me know)
Q: Song that describes you right now?
Me: Anchor by Mindy Gledhill!! look it up on YouTube your something she is the best!!!!!
Dana: theres a lot: Stolen- Dashboard, September- Daughtry, long live- Taylor swift, Crush- David Archuleta, and enchanted- Taylor Swift... i guess you could say I'm experiencing a lot of different emotions right now.
Q. Favorite color?
Me: any neon colors!!! I love them!!! I cant just pick one.
Dana: tie-dye, because you never know the out come but 90% of the time it looks good.
Q. what are you thinking right now?
Me: Madelyn Anne Vonk and Sophia Lee Vonk. i miss them so much! :(
Dana: "When am I ever going to get a date? like for real. It's about time."
Cassie and Dana